USACO Silver

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USACO Silver is for students who have essential programming skills and are beginning to learn fundamental problem-solving techniques (e.g., recursive search, greedy algorithms) and data structures. The course aims to prepare students for Silver level in the USA Computing Olympiads.

USACO Silver is not a language dependent course, since students already know essential programming topics. That is, the course is offered in a language independent format. The program is divided into 2 sections.

Topics Covered:

  • USACO Silver 1: Review of Java Bronze, Sorting, Prefix sum, Standard data structures like, ArrrayLists (Vectors), stacks, queues, Heaps & Priority queues, Sets, maps, and Greedy. And, they are given two assessment tests: midterm and Final exams,
  • USACO Silver 2: Review of standard data Structures, Recursion, BST, Flood fill, Binary search, upper lower bounds, BFS, DFS, and Dynamic programming. And, they are given two assessment tests: midterm and Final exams,
  • USACO Silver PS is a problem-solving course for students who have completed all USACO Silver and needs more practice.